How much does it cost for an operator to use rete OIP platform?

The use of rete OIP platform for all operators is completely free.
All costs are fully covered by the Certifying Bodies members of rete OIP

What CUAA is?

CUAA is the unique code of farms identification, it corresponds to the company Tax Code and it is considered the identifying number to use for public administration relation. That's the reason why it's used also by rete OIP as a discriminating element in an operator recognition

How can I get access credentials to the platform?

From 1° august 2018 credentials can be requested trough support service only if you are a producer. Otherwise the request must be submitted directly to your CB.
IMPORTANT: in the request always indicate your CUUA.

A transaction must be inserted both by seller and buyer?

Absolutly not!
Until there are different indications from rete OIP, only receiving operators have to insert transaction . Even when there will be the possibility to register the sales, transactions must be entered only once by an operator or his counterpart.

Which adresses an operator has to remember?

What happens if there are three operators involved in a transaction ?

ALFA company sales to CHARLY company using a triangulation on the BETA company. The transaction to enter are:

  • TWO IF THERE IS A DOUBLE PASSAGE OF PROPERTY even if goods pass directly from ALFA to CHARLY with only one document, which wil be attached to both transactions.
  • ONE IF THERE IS NO PASSAGE OF PROPERTY from ALFA to BETA. Even if goods transit through BETA and then from BETA to CHARLY with two transport documents, both documents have to be attached to transaction from ALFA to CHARLY.

In other words, a transaction has to be registered with every passage of property with or without goods movement.

I can't view my ticket, my login credential to the system are not recognized.

To have access to ticketing system you must use the credentials received after registration.
You can register from this adress you are not registered you can consult your ticket until the moment of their closure from this adress : entering the e-mail adress and the code received in ticket opening .

Where and how is the operator status indicated?

  An operator status is indicated in operators' Dashboard. A green check or a red exclamation point near an operator shows if the certificate status in active or not. In the earlier platform version the operator status was given by a registry comunication. In the current platform the status is given by a comparison of data. To be completely active an operator has to answer to his CB protocols, he must have a valid Documento Giustificativo (DG) and, at least, a valid Certificato di Conformità. If all these three options are valid, an operator can be considered completely active and his status will be indicated with a green check. Otherwise th eoperator will be indicated as NOT active and a red exclamation mark will appear.

From which date it will be possible to register sales?

For now, the instruction is to enter only purchased products. Sales entering data will be communicated by e-mail and in rete OIP site:

What happens if a product is returned?

The operation of product return is similar to a purchase/sale transaction. The returned product receiver will insert the transaction like a normal purchase, entering all data and transport document of goods.

Which weight has to be inserted in a transaction ?

An operator must enter the verified weight , the one arriving on the weighbridge, or the net weight that is deducted from eventual humidity?
An operator has to insert the weight present and indicated on the document that will be attached: D.D.T, accompanying invoice, CMR  or delivery note 

Which are the differences between upload a single transaction and a multiple transactions?

Transactions entry has the same value. The system considers in the same way single transactions and those uploaded from a Zip file.
From operative point of view, in the following adresses You can find how to enter a transaction :

NOTE: Even upload transactions from Zip file oblige to charge all documents certifying the sale. It's necessary to upload attachments for all transactions inserted from Zip files .

How can operators cancel a transaction?

An operator can NOT cancel a transaction on his own. He has to request an adjustment to his own CB that cancels it, or he can open a Ticket: Operators can modify a transaction in case it has been inserted for less than 10 days.

Can operators recall an already closed transaction and modify it or cancel it?

Transactions can be modified  within 10 days of their entering.
For cancellation or modification after 10 days from the entering it's necessary make a request to the CB or open  a Ticket

How can I correct transaction values ?

It's important to remember that is possible to modify transactions only within 10 days of their entering. If this period of time has not elapsed an operator can procede in this way :

  • click on "Transazioni" menu item
  • find the transaction to modify maybe browsing through pagination
  • click on pencil icon in azioni column
  • procede with modifications
  • click on "Invia transazione"

How can I understand that entered transactions are compliant? Otherwise how can my counterpart understand it?

 When a transaction is correctly inserted it contributes immediatly to the mass balance of the operator and of his counterpart. Both of them, verifying the MB, will find confirmation of inserted transaction. Moreover transactions will appear in transactions list.
Even transactions ended with alarms contribute to mass balances. They wil be however subjected to revisions that could still change mass balance.

If to the same product category correspond more articles, how can I understand  to which article corresponds the Mass Balance?

Operators Mass Balances are identfied by year of the campaign, product (from Intrastat code table that you can visualize from the Intrastat menu item) and type (Organic or in conversion) .
That's the reason why it's impossible to ascribe different products to a unique Mass Balance.

NOTE: Operators have to refer to Intrastat products code that are listed in rete OIP platform that correspond to DATABio's one.
Even if inside a company an operator can use a more articolate differenciation for the products codes, he should refers anyway only to Intrastat codes  listed in reteOIP. e.g. Spelt has an unique Intrastat code so an operatos must add all spelt typologies in one Intrastat code, so it will contribute to a unique Mass Balance.

Can an operator visualize what his supplier/client insert or he can visualize only what he has enterted?

By accessing the platform an operator visualize all the transactions in wich he is involved, entered by him, by another operator or by his CB.

An operatore has to insert only transactions made by italians operator or even by the foreign one?

For now, operators must enter only transactions with counterparts operating in Italy. When it will be necessary to insert also transactions with foreign countriest operators it will be communicated.

Which articles have to be inserted?

In rete OIP platform an operator has to insert all transactions concerning grain for the products whose intrastat codes can be found in the platform (that you can visualize from the "Intrastat" menu item).

How can an operator create favourites operators 'list?

The instructions on how to manage this list are available in this page:

I can't visualize alerts anymore, why?

Since august 2018 alerts are no more visible as a decision of the assembly of CB memebers of rete OIP .
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