What is rete OIP
Rete OIP is a network contract between the following certification bodies ABCERT, BIOAGRICERT, BIOS, CCPB, ECOGRUPPO ICEA SIDEL, SUOLO E SALUTE. Rete Oip platform has as its object the development of activities and products aimed at the excange of data and informations helping the coordination of the control activities of certification bodies operating in the field of organic farming. This platform refers to the verification of production and transactions in relation to the sectors considered to be at the highest risk of fraud.
In particular, the network shall carry out the following activities exclusively fot the benefit of its members:
- Developement and management of the IT system platform for the traceability of productions and transactions called Organic Integrity Platform (OIP) and all related activities for the management of data and informations system
- Implementation of communication and promotion initiatives related to the activities referred to in this network contract